December’s News!
Welcome to our Newsletter! We have a lot of exciting things planned across the nursery to get us all into the Christmas spirit.
Baby Room
This month, we are continuing with our topic ‘Holidays Are Coming’ with plenty of festive activities! We will be exploring tinsel in the sensory tray, singing lots of festive songs and rhymes and will even go on a lovely winter’s walk to see all the sparkling lights and Christmas decorations.
The babies have also been very busy making some wonderful pieces of artwork to go into their Christmas folders for you and your family. They’ve been painting and baking, gluing and sticking and have been using a lot of glitter! We can’t wait for you to see!
Tweenie Room
This month, we are continuing with our topic ‘Holidays Are Coming’ with plenty of festive activities! Alongside all the messy play and arts and crafts, the Tweenies will be singing lots of Christmas songs during circle time and will be talking about all about this festive season. It’s going to be fantastic!
The Tweenies have also been very busy making some wonderful pieces of artwork to go into their Christmas folders for you and your family. They’ve been painting and baking, gluing and sticking and have been using a lot of glitter! We can’t wait for you to see!
This month, we are continuing with our topic ‘Holidays Are Coming’ with plenty of festive activities! We will be creating and playing in our sensory snow village and will be making some delicious reindeer hot chocolate. We will even be practising some Christmas songs for our performance at the local care home! How exciting!
Pre-school have also been very busy making some wonderful pieces of artwork to go into their Christmas folders for you and your family. They’ve been painting and baking, gluing and sticking and have been using a lot of glitter! We can’t wait for you to see!
*Our annual Christmas party will be on Wednesday 19th December between 2pm – 4pm. There will be lots of festive games, party food and so much more! We can’t wait to see all of your Christmas outfits and are looking forward to celebrating with you all! If your child does not attend nursery on a Wednesday, they are more than welcome to join us for the party. Please let a member of staff know. Thank you.
*Your child / children have been very busy making cards, tree decorations, calendars and so much more for their Christmas folder. We will hand these out the last day they are in before Christmas. We’re sure that you’re going to love them!
*We will be closing on Christmas Eve at 3:00pm and will be re-opening on Wednesday 2nd January in the New Year.
*On behalf of everyone at Bluebells, we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!