Bebington’s Newsletter – October

October’s News!

Welcome to our Newsletter. We have plenty of exciting activities planned across the Nursery to welcome the Autumn season!

Baby Room

This month in Baby Room, we will be focusing on our new topic ‘Autumn!’ The children will have the opportunity to learn all about this beautiful season as we collect all sorts of things from the garden, such as pinecones, leaves and conkers, to make our very own collage pictures with. We will also be free painting with scented paints and will be making our very own Autumn trees using red, yellow and orange paint to display around the room. How fun!

Towards the end of the month, the children will have a ‘spooktacular’ time as we celebrate Halloween with a pumpkin party! There’ll be crafts, activities and games as well as a special spooky snack. It’s going to be fantastic!


This month in Tweenie Room, our focus is ‘Transport!’ During circle time, we will be looking at all sorts of transport, from cars and trains to boats and planes, and will be discussing how we get to nursery. The children will then have the opportunity to take part in all sorts of activities such as creating tire tracks using the toy cars and paint, water play with boats and a walk down to the train station! There’s so much to look forward to!

Towards the end of the month, the children will have a ‘spooktacular’ time as we celebrate Halloween with a pumpkin party! There’ll be crafts, activities and games as well as a special spooky snack. It’s going to be fantastic!


This month in Pre-School, our focus is ‘Autumn!’ During circle times, we will be talking all about Autumn and will be discussing how our surroundings change during this time of year, from the weather to the trees to the wildlife around us. The children will then have the opportunity to take part in all sorts of autumnal activities such as seasonal vegetable tasting, potato printing and playing in our very own Autumn forest role play area! How exciting!

Towards the end of the month, the children will have a ‘spooktacular’ time as we celebrate Halloween with a pumpkin party! There’ll be crafts, activities and games as well as a special spooky snack. It’s going to be fantastic!


*Please ensure that you collect your child by 5:50pm at the latest to enable staff to give you a thorough handover about your child’s day in addition to closing checks.

*On Friday 18th October, we will all be wearing pink to raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness and would appreciate any donation, no matter how big or how small, for the Cancer Research Charity.

*On Thursday 31st October, we will be having a pumpkin party to celebrate Halloween! If your child usually attends on a Thursday, we invite you to bring them into nursery all dressed up ready for a spooktacular afternoon! If your child does not attend nursery on a Thursday, they are more than welcome to dress up if they would like to.

*Please avoid ringing the nursery between 11:20 – 1:30 if you would like to talk to a member of our Baby Room team as it distrusts the children’s sleep. Thank you.

Thank you for your co-operation

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