Bromborough Newsletter – September

September’s News

Welcome to our  Newsletter! We have a lot of exciting things planned across the nursery to ensure that we have a wonderful start to the academic year!

Baby Room

This month, we are extremely happy to welcome our new little ones into Baby Room. We hope to make their days here at Bluebells as enjoyable as possible!

Our topic is ‘On the Farm.’ We have many fun and exciting activities planned for our babies such as painting our favourite animals to take home, making various animal noises at carpet time and even visiting the local farm to see and feed the animals. We can’t wait!


This month, our topic is ‘All About Me!’ We have many fun and exciting activities planned for our tweenies such as painting our own self-portraits and getting messy in the damp sand by creating and comparing our handprints! It’s going to be so much fun!

We will also be focusing on our five senses through a broad range of play experiences such as exploring sensory bags, listening our for different noises in the garden and talking about what we can see. There’s so much to look forward to!


This month, we are all extremely excited to welcome all our new pre-school children who will be starting with us. We hope to make their days here in pre-school as enjoyable as possible!

We will be focusing on our five senses through a range of fun play experiences and carpet time activities. Your little one will also be making some wonderful pieces of art work to take home. We can’t wait for you to see!


*We are extremely excited to announce that our Tweenie and Pre-school garden will be having a fabulous renovation soon! There will be a new forest and den making area, log cabin for role play and even a track for our bikes and cars. It’s going to be amazing!

*If your child is potty training, please could you pack a few changes of clothes and underwear in your child’s bag. Thank you.

*As the weather is getting cooler, could you please bring in a coat or jacket for your child to ensure that they are lovely and cosy whilst playing outside.

*We are all extremely excited to welcome all our new children into Bluebells and hope to make them feel at home. We ask that you please label your child’s belongings if possible.

*We would appreciate it if you could bring in a family photo for our ‘people who are special to me’ display boards. If you would like to email a photo instead, please speak to a member of staff.

Thank you for your co-operation!

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