Bromborough’s Newsletter – July

July’s News!

Welcome to our Newsletter. We have plenty of exciting activities planned across the Nursery to make the most of the beautiful sunshine!

Baby Room

This month in Baby Room, we will be focusing on our new topic ‘Summer!’ The babies will have the opportunity to get super messy and creative in their play as we will be painting our own buckets and spades, aeroplanes, boats and tents! We will even be making our very own role plat beach in the sand tray for the children to play and explore in. What fun!

In addition, we will be making the most of the wonderful summer’s weather by playing out and about in the garden as well as at the local parks. We will be playing with beach balls and will even be having a picnic out in the garden!


This month in Tweenie Room, our focus is ‘Summer and Holidays!’ During circle times, we will be talking all about Summer time and will be discussing the different holiday destinations that we have visited all around the world. Where have you been on your holidays and what did you see? We will also be discussing the importance of sun protection.

The children will also have the opportunity to play and explore in our topic related tuff tray and will making the most of the beautiful sunshine by playing out and about in the garden and at local parks. We will even be having a picnic out in the garden!


This month in Pre-School, we will continue learning about our topic ‘Keeping Healthy!’ After talking about exercise and keeping healthy last month, we will now be focusing more on our own bodies and will be measuring ourselves and comparing our heights. I wonder who’s the tallest and who’s the smallest?

During circle times, we will also be looking at x-rays of our bones and muscles and will be discussing how we can keep them strong and healthy. In addition, we will be talking about how we can protect ourselves from germs and will be doing group teeth brushing and hand washing activities. How fun!


*As the weather is forecast to be warm over the next few weeks, we ask that you please pack a sunhat in your child’s bag in addition to any personal Suncream if you would not like to use our stocked brands.

*Our Pre-School graduation will take place on Thursday 25th July between 3:30pm – 4:30pm. We hope to see you all there for the ceremony and a tea party to wish all of our big children good luck with their new adventures in big school!

Thank you for your co-operation

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