Bromborough’s Newsletter – September

September’s News!

Welcome to our Newsletter. We have plenty of exciting activities planned across the Nursery to start the new academic year in the best way we can!

Baby Room

This month in Baby Room, we will be focusing on our new topic ‘Zoo Animals!’ The babies will have the opportunity to get super messy and creative in their play as they make all different kinds of animals using their hand and footprints. How fun!

We will also be reading some lovely animal themed books during story time, including one of our favourites ‘Dear Zoo,’ and will be on the look-out for all sorts of animals from giraffes to lions to elephants! I wonder what we’ll find?


This month in Tweenie Room, our focus is ‘All About Me!’ During circle times, we will be talking all about ourselves and our families and will be discussing the similarities and differences between our friends. Who is the same height? Who has different coloured hair?

The children will also have the opportunity to talk all about their likes and dislikes, such as their favourite colours, as they explore different coloured playdough with all of their friends. Do you prefer red, yellow, green or blue? We will even have small world role play in our sand tray. How exciting!


This month in Pre-School, our focus is ‘All About Me!’ During circle times, we will be talking all about ourselves and will be looking at similarities and differences between our friends. Who has the same coloured eyes? Who is the tallest? Who is the smallest?

The children will also have the opportunity to show off their fantastic artistic skills as they each paint a self-portrait to go up on the wall, using a mirror to focus closely on their features. We can’t wait to see them all!


*We’d like to say a huge welcome to all of the families who are starting their Bluebells journey with us. We look forward to getting to know your little one over their time here and hope to make their transition to nursery life as smooth as possible.

*Tweenie Room will be reintroducing tooth brushing as a part of our daily routine and ask that you please bring in a toothbrush for your child to use.

*Please avoid ringing the nursery between 11:20 – 1:30 if you would like to talk to a member of our Baby Room team as it distrusts the children’s sleep. Thank you.

Thank you for your co-operation

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