July’s News!
Welcome to our July Newsletter! We have a lot of exciting things planned for this month across the nursery to make the most of the wonderful summer time.
Baby Room
This month, our focus is zoo animals! We have many fun activities planned for our babies such as making animal hand prints, reading ‘Dear Zoo’ and also encouraging the children to make animal movements and sounds during circle time.
We will also be making the most of our lovely, new garden by having an exciting bear hunt, picnic and animal themed, sensory play. As we will be spending some time in the garden, could we please ask that you bring in a hat each day as the weather is very hot at the moment. Thank you.
This month, our topic is summer time and holidays. We have many fun activities planned for our tweenies and will also be talking about where they have been on holiday and what they have been up to so far this summer.
We are also hoping to make the most of the glorious sunshine by going on different outings to various local parks. As we will be spending some time in the garden, could we please ask that you bring in a hat each day as the weather is very hot at the moment. Thank you.
This month, our focus is summer time! We have many fun activities planned for our pre-school children and will be talking about different holiday destinations and safety in the sun. As we will be spending some time in the garden, could we please ask that you bring in a hat each day as the weather is very hot at the moment. Thank you.
We also have two very exciting school leavers parties planned for all of our children who are moving to big school! These will take place on Tuesday the 10th of July and Friday the 13th of July between 2pm and 4pm. We hope to make their last moments at Bluebells as happy and memorable as possible! If you have any questions, please speak to a member of staff.
*If you are eligible for 30 hour funding, please bring your forms back as soon as possible.
* Please bring in a hat and any personal sun-cream if needed every day as the weather is forecast to be very hot.
*Check out our Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/WirralBluebells/ ) and please give it a like!