Bromborough’s Newsletter – May

May’s News!

Welcome to our Newsletter. We have plenty of exciting activities planned across the Nursery to make the most of the beautiful sunshine!

Baby Room

This month in Baby Room, we will be continuing with our topic ‘Spring and New Life’ as the babies thoroughly enjoyed this focus last month. During circle times, we will be looking at different Spring animal flash cards and will practise making the different animal sounds from sheep to chickens before we go to visit them at the Urban Farm!
The babies will also have the opportunity to create some beautiful Spring pictures to put up on the display boards and to take home for their families.


This month in Tweenie Room, our focus ‘Nature and The Great Outdoors!’ During circle times, we will be talking all about local wildlife from mini-beasts and animals to plants and trees. We will also make the most of this beautiful weather by going on walks to see what we can find in and around the community. I wonder what we’ll see?
The children will also have the opportunity to get messy and creative in their play as they explore the role-play minibeasts in the soil and paint some lovely pictures to take home. We will make different sensory bottles using our findings in the garden. How fun!


This month in Pre-School, our focus is ‘Under The Sea!’ During circle times, we will be talking all about the different creatures that live under the sea, from sharks and fish to coral and seaweed, and will look at various flash cards.
The children will also have a lot of fun splashing about with the sea creatures in the water tray. They’ll be fish, sharks, dolphins and so much more. We will even be painting our very own under water scene! How exciting!


*As the weather is forecast to be warm over the next few weeks, we ask that you please pack a sunhat in your child’s bag in addition to any personal Suncream if you would not like to use our stocked brands.

Thank you for your co-operation

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